Phase V Technologies, Inc. was established in 1987 as an independent organization of medical and health technology research specialists with advanced training in medicine, clinical research, biostatistics, epidemiology, health economics and psychology. The company was originally founded as a venture of the University of Connecticut Research and Development Corporation to develop new clinical and computer-based information systems and technologies for the evaluation, assessment and analytical analyses of patient-reported health outcomes.  Because of its history as a University Venture Start-up, Phase V professional staff are encouraged to maintain academic positions and are supported in independent research. The senior staff hold advanced degrees in medicine, biostatistics, epidemiology, psychology, business, program evaluation, and public health.  In addition to the regular staff, Phase V also employs a broader network of academic consultants who participate in the scientific planning, data monitoring, analysis and evaluation committees. The research by Phase V and consultants has resulted in major advances in the field of health outcomes research with several landmark papers among the nearly 300 publications the staff have in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.
Phase V Offices on the Charles River, Wellesley, MA